Cards Against Humanity Online

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© 2021, Good Cards, LLC. Created by Jake Lauer (HelloControl).Email me at allbadcards(at)! All Bad Cards is not affiliated with, associated with, related. While it’d be great to play Cards Against Humanity online from the official website, sometimes a clone is just as fun. All Bad Cards works just like Cards Against Humanity with some equally disturbing cards. This site is a mix of free and premium options.

  1. Cards Against Humanity Play Free
  2. Cards Against Humanity
Cards against online

Play Online With Your Friends for Free

The free online cards against humanity alternative

How does it work? It's simple

1. Hit Play Now and Invite Friends

Then either start a new game or join an existing game. If you start a new game you'll receive a short code you can share with your friends to join your game.

2. A Card is Called

Have your friends enter the code you created in step 1. You're now ready to play wicked cards against your friends. Setup a zoom, skype or google conference calland let the hijinx ensue. You will need a minimum of 3 players.

3. Everyone submits a response

A Prompt will appear at the top of your screen with a blank space to fill in and you will have a list of cards underneath it. Select the card that you think matches the blank the best (or is the funniest).

4. Everyone Votes

Once everyone has selected their card one of the players will read out the prompt with each card filling the blank. Then everyone can vote for their favorite answer and the player with the most votes wins the round. First to 10 wins the game!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I win?

For each round everyone playing is able to cast their vote for the most entertaining card. Play to your audience and choose a card you think appeals most to the people you're playing with.

Are there special rules?

You may not vote for your own card, it's not even clickable so don't even try.

How many people can play?

There are no limits but it's best to keep a game 10 or below simply because it takes too long for everyone to cast a vote if you have more than that many people playing.

Is this Cards Against Humanity?

No, while there are similarities between the two Wicked Cards is different in a number of ways. Firstly we are online only. Unlike Cards against humanity there is no judge appointed for each round, everyone is able to vote for their favourite card. Thirdly points are given for each vote you receive so you can still do well without winning a round. Lastly our decks are created by the community and selected based upon usage to ensure a constantly evolving fun deck of cards.

I’m sorry, were you planning on using this time to become a better person?

Cards against humanity onlined

Plenty of us might be using lockdown to embark upon a journey of self-improvement, whether that be learning some crafty new skill, getting really into yoga, or building the greatest blanket fort ever known to humankind. Here to undo all that self-improvement, however, is an online version of Cards Against Humanity, which now allows you to be a terrible person without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Cards Against Humanity Play Free

Yes, what better way to connect with, and subsequently offend, your friends? Hosted on the Playing Cards website, it works in the same way as the regular game does. Except instead of being sat round a table with a few drinks, you’ll be hunched over a laptop, deviously dreaming up the most outrageous statements and scenarios possible.

All you need to do is set up a virtual room which your pals can join, and then you’re off to the races. Plus, to capture the verisimilitude of a true game of Cards Against Humanity, you can set up a video chat to see how your most twisted creations land. The wonders of the Internet, eh?


You can set up your own game here.

Cards Against Humanity

Also published on Medium.