Meaning Of 888 In The Bible
- Hebrew Meaning Of 23
- 888 In The Bible
- 33 Bible Meaning
- Spiritual Meaning Of 888
- Meaning Of 888 In The Bible
Biblical Meaning of Numbers
Biblical Numerology
Now when you know the biblical meaning of number 8, it is not hard to conclude what the biblical meaning of number 888 is. First we have to say that number 888 is considered to be a number of Jesus. Actually, number 888 represents the numerical value for the Jesus’ name in Greek (Iesous).
- Biblical Meaning of 888 In the Bible, various numbers mean different things. 888 spiritually in the Bible signifies the infinite nature of the Holy Trinity, that is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It also means Jesus Christ the Saviour. The Greek alphabet portrays every letter as having a representative number.
- The Bible is the divine revelation of the true and living God and every jot and tittle in His Word is deemed important. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that every word is significant-and this includes numbers. Biblical numerology is defined as the study of the spiritual significance of numbers used in the Bible.
Biblical Meaning of Numbers: Taking a brief, but interesting look at this very controversial topic. I wonder... are you daring enough to take that same look? If you are, located below, is a Number Meaning teaser list that I've posted, simply for that purpose. Enjoy!
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Biblical Numerology
Briefly exploring a topic that is perhaps the most intriguing and controversial subject amongst Christians today. I hold true to the notion, if used in the right way, this could be a powerful study tool. A tool that could assist not only when it comes to chronological research, but a tool that could help with a discovery that could lead one to a much deeper understanding, when it comes to the studying of God's Word
Now I like to think, if a person is bold enough, when itcomes to exploring the interesting subject of Biblical Numerology. I personallybelieve, that person would find from within the information, a discovery, thatcould help one to develop a deeper understanding, when it comes to the readingof God’s Word. Therefore, making one, far more insightful, and discerning, fromwithin their spiritual walk with the Lord. Now this page, is just a teaser.Something to simply wet your curiosity.
This is why the list of numbers, that are located furtherbelow, simply provides some general (and very brief) information, in regard to certainnumbers.
My intentions, are not to bore (or overwhelm) you, when it comes tothis page, or subject.
I also want you to know, the brief meaning descriptions thatI'm giving, is based off my own personal understanding, when it comes to a particular number.
Andalthough, the meaning of the number that I provide, falls within the consensusof opinion, when it comes to this subject.
The fact that I'm not, what youwould call a 'Biblical Numerology Expert' would lead me to suggest,that you don't use this list for studying purposes. But use it simply, as a way,to open your mind, when it comes to possibly adding more bible study options, toyour bible studying toolbox.
Biblical Meaning of Numbers - Biblical Numerology
Do You Want To Delve Deeper?
Now if you do decide to go much deeper, than the quick simple numbers list that's presented on this page. I'd like to think, you'll find that this is indeed an intriguing subject. You'll also discover, that it has a way of touching on, just about every area, when it comes to the studying of God's Word. And not just from a theology point of view, but leaning a lot towards, to one being able to gain some spiritual insight, that could perhaps, reveal a deeper meaning, when it comes to biblical prophecy. Also note, that most biblical scholars rely heavy, when it comes to using this type of research, in regard, to their biblical chronological studies as well.
So if you want to get a deeper understanding, when it comes to this fascinating subject, then by all means, turn to the experts, by picking up a really good Biblical Numerology book, that discusses the topic in much greater detail.
I'd like to think, that you can't go wrong, when your studying a book that's titled Number in Scripture which was written by E.W. Bullinger. This book is simply, a classic, when it comes to getting straight to the point of a number.
Another great book to pick up, is titled Biblical Numerology. This is a book that was written by John J. Davis. Now some would say, his approach to this subject, is very meticulous and in-depth, but well worth the read.
And finally, there's also a book that's titled Numbers in the Bible. This book was written by Robert D. Johnston. Know that this is also a great book. His work is considered by many, to be very insightful, and very accurate, when it comes to scriptural (or Bible) numerics.
Hebrew Meaning Of 23
Keep in mind that all of these books can be found at :
Now I've created this page, simply for the sake of curiosity. And like I'd just revealed earlier, I personally find the subject, that deals with the Biblical Meaning of Numbers, to be quite fascinating, and nothing more than that. Understand that we must not, make the mistake of thinking, that certain numbers, don't play some kind of role, from within the telling of the Scriptures.
This is why, I also believe, when one is able to approach this subject, with the right kind of mindset, the type of information that one discovers, from their exploration of the subject (Biblical Numerology, or the Biblical Meaning of Numbers) could easily be used, as a very powerful Bible study tool (if done correctly) that could help open the door, to obtaining, a much deeper and insightful understanding, when it comes to God's Word overall.
But I also want you to know, that we must be careful, when it comes to using this type of knowledge, for we must not, make the mistake, of trying to use this type of information, when it comes to predicting future events, or anything else, that will fall outside the context of the Sacred Scriptures. Understand, that this practice must be avoided at all cost! Remember that God, has already told us through His prophets, and apostles, on what's to come, and what we need to expect, when it comes to this world. When it comes to His divine judgment; and how we should look at death; and how we can achieve Eternal Life.
888 In The Bible
Biblical Meaning of Numbers - Biblical Numerology
It's A Choice -- Not A Mandate?
Now with that being stated... I want you to know, I'm not suggesting, that using this type of information, should be mandated. I want to make it clear, it's your choice, if you choose to explore the subject further, or not. So don't let this controversial topic, become a distraction, or to be used, as a diversion, that could deter you from your pursuit, of gaining deeper understanding, and greater insight, when it comes to the Sacred Record. Basically, don't get caught up in the silly debates, and arguments (when it comes to this subject), that are designed to weaken your faith, and to keep you from the one 'true source' that God intended for you to use in the first place, which is the Holy Scriptures.
Now I find it very interesting, that the very same Christian leaders, and Bible teachers, that get up, and speak out against using this type of information, would in turn, get up and say things like: 'You know, the number eight signifies new beginnings' or 'The number six, is the number of man' or 'Five is God's number for grace' so on and so forth.
Now I know, that they mean well, and I also want you to know, that I do have great respect for them, and the office that they serve in. But don't slam me, because I decided to dedicate a web page, towards the subject. Understand, that I believe that the Sacred Record, was written by the apostles, and the prophets, of the One True God. I also believe, that these people were totally led, and inspired, by the Spirit of the Lord.
I also hold the viewpoint, that the Sacred Scriptures alone, is the Word of God. And we must not forget, that the 'Message of Truth' that they tell, is pure, and rich, all by itself. I pray that as believers, that one day, we will stop the bickering, and arguing amongst each other; and just learn to enjoy the beauty, truth, and the full richness, of God's glorious Word. And most importantly, that we're able to do it together.
Biblical Meaning of Numbers - Biblical Numerology
For the Sake of Curiosity & Nothing More
I would also like to point out, that I did not create this page for the endorsement of practices such as:
Astrological Divination - Occultic Religions - Witchcraft - Interpretation of Omens - Physic Readings - Spiritualism - Sorcery - Horoscopes - Zodiacs - Magic Texts - Etc...
'Let know one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist, or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.' -- Deuteronomy 18:10-13

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Antonio L. Mitchell
Biblical Meaning of Numbers - The List Teaser
One : 1 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 1: comes from my understanding, that it is normally associated with being the number that refers directly to God. Also know, that the word 'independence' is attached to this number as well, for it excludes all things, that are different.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number one is also used, when marking the beginnings of things. Unity is also very common, when defining this number, for it stands alone, and cannot be divided.
Two : 2 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 2: comes from my understanding, that it is generally linked, with the word 'separation' for it deals with things that are divided, or things, that bring about division.
Added Christian Viewpoint: By it being the first number that can be divided, it is often look at, as the fundamental number for division. Also know, that the number two, is attached to the term 'Revelation' as well. The number has also been used, when referring to discord, and even war at times. Ruin and death, is also found from within its context.
Three : 3 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 3: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with the gaining of one's approval. Or being able to view things from within its entirety. The number also deals with things, that have become solid and complete.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number three, is also used, when describing the Trinity, or the Godhead (divine perfection). The number three, has also been associated, with the concepts of spirit and life.
Four : 4 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 4: comes from my understanding, that it is normally associated, with God's creative works, or perhaps 'Earth's Creation' as in (material completeness).
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number four is always used, when referring to God's creation. Know that this number, has also been used, when describing the vastness of space.
Five : 5 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 5: comes from my understanding, that it is generally linked, with one having grace and redemption. God's grace (or the life that He gives) that's moved by the spirit.
Added Christian Viewpoint: Know that this number, has also been used in reference, that deals with freedom and completeness.
Six : 6 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 6: comes from my understanding, that it is almost, for the most part, dealing with the number of man. Know that this number, is also used, when referring to (human labor) or (secular completeness)
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number six, is also attached, when describing the constant battle between, man's flesh, and the spirit that lies, from within him.
Seven : 7 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 7: comes from my understanding, that it is associated, with one obtaining some type of spiritual perfection, or spiritual completeness.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number, has also been used, when describing the covenant between man, and God.
Eight : 8 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 8: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with one who abounds in strength.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number is also used in reference, that deals with fertility. It has also been used, when referring to the Resurrection, or new beginnings.
Nine : 9 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 9: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with judgment, or the finality of things. Basically, it's used when judging man, and all of his works.
(Actually, the United States Supreme Court, and its nine supreme court justices, comes to mind, when I think about this number.)
Added Christian Viewpoint: This number, has also been used, to describe the perfect movement of God.
Ten : 10 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 10: comes from my understanding, that it is associated with a completeness, that happens in some type of divine order, or something that's completed, during a course of time. Know that there's nothing, that is left wanting, from within the cycle the number 'ten' has just completed.
(In today's society, this number is looked at mostly, when referring to some kind of ranking, or describing something, that's considered, close to perfection)
Eleven : 11 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 11: comes from my understanding, that it is associated with things, that would be considered imperfect, or a disorganization of systems of some sort, and the overall disorder, or chaos of things.
Twelve : 12 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 12: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with placing things, from within perfect order, or achieving (according to one's opinion) some type of governmental structural perfection.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number has also been used, to describe the Israel's twelve tribes, which is looked at, as the major civilization foundation, of God's chosen people (the Jewish Nation). Plus, this number deals with anything that is made up of rules, or laws.
Thirteen : 13 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 13: comes from my understanding, that it is at times, associated with: the rebellion of things, corruption, abandonment, defection, revolution, to break or destroy.
FYI: Now when it comes to the Jewish culture, this number deals in reference, with someone who is both loving and caring. A number that at times, is considered holy. This number also signifies, from within the Jewish culture, as a turning point from within one's life, a turning point that indicates, increased responsibility and accountability.
Fourteen : 14 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 14: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with, one gaining some type of spiritual perfection. It also deals with something, that is doubled measured in strength, or some type of spiritual completeness, that is twice over.
Fifteen : 15 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of the number 15: comes from my understanding, that it is normally associated with the energy, that is found from within the acts, of God's divine grace.
Sixteen : 16 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of the number 16: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference to the things, that deals with love. For one to have passion, and to hold dear, or to cherish, and have a great devotion, towards things in general.
FYI: Did you know that there were three different biblical kings, that had reigned for a period of 16 years ? : Jehoash, the ungodly son of Jehoahaz, reign in Samaria for 16 years; Jotham the son of Uzziah, at 25 years old, reigned in Jerusalem for 16 years; Ahaz the son of Jotham, at 20 years old, reigned in Jerusalem for 16 years.
Seventeen : 17 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of the number 17: comes from my understanding, it's normally associated with perfection, that deals with some type of spiritual order.
FYI: Joseph, who would later be known, at the age of 30, as Zaphnath-paaneah; for this was the name, that was given to him, when he was elevated to the second highest office, from within the land of Egypt, for he only answered to Pharaoh; was seventeen years old, when he was sold into slavery, by his jealous brothers. It would be during this time, Joseph would be taken to Egypt.
Nineteen : 19 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is linked with the perfection of some type of divine order, that's in relation to one being judged.
Twenty : 20 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is at times, linked with the expectancy of things, that were to happen. The number is often times, used in reference to things, that deals with a great magnitude
Twenty One : 21 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with a Divine Completion of some sort
Twenty Two : 22 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is linked with the disorganization of things, that are found, to be in a great degree. Know that corruption, and disintegration, are found to be magnified as well, when it comes to these things.
Twenty Four : 24 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference, to a heavenly government of some sort, and to heavenly worship.
Twenty Five : 25 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is associated with the expectancy of receiving some type of divine grace, and redemption, from the Almighty God.
Twenty Seven : 27 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is linked with the expectancy, of getting some type of divine approval, or divine redemption.
Twenty Eight : 28 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is associated with the expectancy of obtaining, some type of divine strength and courage.
Twenty Nine : 29 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with, the expectancy of one befallen, some type of severe judgment
Thirty : 30 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference to the marking of the right moment.
Thirty One : 31 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with things that are in association with the name of God.
Thirty Two : 32 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals in reference with having a some type of covenant, or agreement, with a certain person or party.
Thirty Three : 33 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number - comes from my understanding, that it normally deals in reference with the making of a pledge, or promise to someone. This number could also deal with a promise that has been fulfilled, or a covenant that has been established.
Thirty Five : 35 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with one having some type of: hope, trust and confidence, towards a person, ideology, or thing.
Thirty Six : 36 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference to a particular enemy or opposition that has been established, or developing.
Thirty Seven : 37 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with the Word that comes directly from the Almighty God
Thirty Nine : 39 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with people being judged through some type of sickness or disease.
Forty : 40 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals with someone going through some sort of probation or trial period.
Added Christian Viewpoint: Know that the number forty, has also been used to describe some sort of divine period of judgment.
Forty Two : 42 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals in reference to the Antichrist in some kind of way.
Fifty : 50 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with someone being delivered from something sinful, or being restored in some type of way.
Fifty One : 51 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference to having, or experiencing some type of divine revelation.
Sixty : 60 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with one's 'sin of pride' or with one being found to be self-conceited.
Sixty Six : 66 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with some type of secular or idol worship.
Added Christian Viewpoint: The number sixty-six also deals with things that includes: Fallacy, trickery, guile and deception.
Seventy : 70 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it is associated with some type of time period of judgment, that is found to be going against God's chosen people.
One Hundred : 100 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals with some sort of an election process of God's chosen people.
One Hundred and Twenty : 120 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals with some type of divine probation period.
One Hundred and Forty Four : 144 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with having some type of personal spiritual guide (like the Holy Spirit).
Two Hundred : 200 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals with things that are found to be in a state of insufficiency, or something that has failed.
Four Hundred : 400 -- The Biblical Numerology Meaning of this number: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference to something that is seen as being found in a divinely perfected period in time.
Four Hundred Thirty : 430 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 430: comes from my understanding, that it is linked to the fulfillment of some type of divine promise
Six Hundred and Sixty Six : 666 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 666: comes from my understanding, that it deals with the number that refers to the name that is in relation to the Antichrist.
Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven : 777 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 777: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with the things that are in association, with the name of Jesus Christ
Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight : 888 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 888: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with the things that are found to be in association, when it comes to the name of the Holy Spirit
One Thousand : 1000 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 1000: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference with something that has achieved some sort of divine completeness.
Four Thousand : 4000 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 4000: comes from my understanding, that it probably deals in reference with some sort of divine worldwide salvation.
Six Thousand : 6000 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 6000: comes from my understanding, that it deals in reference, with those who will fall to the deception of the Antichrist. A deception that will eventually be brought against humanity as an whole.
Seven Thousand : 7000 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 7000: comes from my understanding, that it deals with humanity as an whole, when it comes to spiritual perfection, or having obtained completeness in some type of way
One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand : 144,000 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 144,000: comes from my understanding, that it solely deals in reference, with the foretold prophecy that mentions the twelve tribes of Israel and the great tribulation period. For the number, seems to deal with a specific group of people, in regards, to some sort of grand finale of a divine election process:
'Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.' -- Revelation 7:4
'Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb [Jesus Yeshua Christ], standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000 who had His name and His Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No-one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.' -- Revelation 14:1-3
33 Bible Meaning
Many people are aware that the number of the beast or the anti-Christ is 666. This number is found in the Holy Bible, Revelation 13:18. But what is the number of Jesus? The Bible does not explicitly or implicitly give His number. However, through the science of numerology it can be discovered.
In Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer. This representation may be justified either through gematria, by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration of Jesus' name, or as an opposing value to 666, the number of the beast.
What is gematria?
Gematria is the practice of assigning numbers to letters to reveal deeper meanings behind words and phrases. Gematria is an art that has been practiced in many cultures and played a quintessential role in helping one understand the hidden meanings of ancient spiritual texts. The Holy Bible is a book rich in numerology, sacred geometry, allegory, symbolism, morality, psychology, philosophy and astrology – but in order to truly grasp the gems that lay hidden between the lines, one would need to read it using gematria. The Bible has been studied using germatria for decades, and other important names have been analyzed as well.
Some things in Scripture are specifically described as mysteries. In various places in the New Testament we find such statements as “He that has ears let him hear,” or “Let him that reads understand” or “Behold, I show you a mystery.” Revelation 13:18 begins with the words ‘This is wisdom.’ Such phrases indicate something hidden, which we must search out by prayerful study and commitment to the Holy Spirit. This is why many have turned to gematria to understand the Bible on a deeper level, and attempt to uncover some of these mysteries.
How is the number of Jesus calculated?
Using the Greek Ionic Ciphered Numeral System, it can be scientifically proven that Jesus’ number is 888. In this system, each letter of the Greek alphabet is assigned a numerical value. The name of Jesus in Greek is spelled: iota, eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, sigma. Next, you substitute in the Greek numeral system for the equivalent numerical values to each letter in the name of Jesus. Upon adding all of those up, the total is 888. The values of each letter are: iota, 10; eta, 8; sigma, 200; omicron, 70; upsilon, 400; sigma, 200. The sum of 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 is 888.
What is the significance of the number eight in the Bible?
The Bible never uses 888 directly, but the number has a great significance in biblical numerology. In the Bible, the number 8 is a number of new beginnings. For example, David was the eighth son of Jesse. Jesus is the 'Root and Offspring of David' (Revelations 22:16).

Christ, rising from the dead on Sunday initiated a new creation. Matthew 28:1 says 'After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.' Jesus rose again on the Sabbath, and began a new world that is celebrated on the first day of the week. Jesus is the 'author and finisher of the faith' (Hebrews 12:2), or the starter of new beginnings.
Spiritual Meaning Of 888
On the 8th day of the universes creation, God said “let the Church begin, and it began.” The light shone in the darkness and the darkness has not been able to quench it.
Meaning Of 888 In The Bible
At a glance 8 looks like an upright infinity sign. The dictionary defines infinity as boundlessness, limitlessness, and endlessness. These are the characteristics of God. In the Bible, God is revealed by his Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Number 888 is a symmetrical number, meaning it can be reflected, inverted, and have its digits permuted with no change in its appearance. This coheres with God's use of this number when He declared He eternal unchanging nature, saying 'I am the Lord, I change not' (Malachi 3.6). Indeed, 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever' (Heb. 13.8).
Some have taken this a step further, and applied it to modern day. For example, Eternity in heaven is a free gift for those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the USA now, phone calls with an 888 area code are also free. Romans 10:13 reminds us 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' While this could just be a coincidence, it's interesting to see how this science can be applied even in today's society.
When God created the name of Jesus Christ, He wanted to pass along a message to us. He wanted us to understand the monumental importance of who Christ was on earth, and how we are called to follow Him. Through numerology, we are better able to understand how God has woven mathematical truths into His divine creations.
Megan Bailey is the Social Media Specialist and Content Producer for Beliefnet. She attended James Madison University where she received a degree in psychology.